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Terms And Conditions – B.E. Products

Terms and conditions for our website.

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Terms and conditions

The following terms of use apply to your use of the B.E. Products Pty Ltd website ( Each time you access this website you agree to comply with, and be bound by, the terms of use and acknowledge that we may rely upon your agreement.

Information on this website

Except where stated otherwise, the information and services on this website are provided by B.E. Products Pty Ltd as at the date indicated on the relevant material.

Exclusion of Liability

Nothing in these terms excludes, restricts or modifies any condition, warranty or liability which may at any time be implied by the Trade Practices Act or any other applicable law where to do so is illegal or would render any provision of the Agreement void. Subject to this qualification, all express or implied conditions or warranties, statutory or otherwise, in respect of the Information supplied is expressly negated and excluded. You agree that B.E. Products Pty Ltd will not be liable for any damages or loss of any kind whatever (including, without limitation, any liability for consequential loss) arising out of the use by you of, or reliance by any person on the Information supplied whether arising from any act, omission, error, misstatement or failure (and whether negligent or not) of B.E. Products Pty Ltd, its officers, servants, agents or independent contractors or otherwise.


Copyright in the Information is owned by B.E. Products Pty Ltd. The Information may not be reproduced, distributed or published by anyone for any purpose without B.E. Products Pty Ltd's prior written consent.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

B.E. Products Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring that the collection and processing of your data, carried out from the site, complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Each form or teleservice limits the collection of personal data to what is strictly necessary (minimization of data) and specifies:

  • what are the objectives of the data collection,
  • if this data is mandatory or optional for the management of your request,
  • who will have access to it (only B.E. Products Pty Ltd unless specified in the form when transmission to a third party is necessary to manage your request),

The personal data collected as part of the services offered on are processed according to secure protocols and enable B.E. Products Pty Ltd to handle requests received in its computer applications.

For any information or to exercise your rights concerning the processing of personal data managed by B.E. Products Pty Ltd, you can contact B.E. Products Pty Ltd and if appropriate its Data Protection Officer (DPO), if distinguished.

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Disclosure of Interests

B.E. Products Pty Ltd, its related bodies corporate and their respective officers, directors and employees may from time to time purchase, sell, make a market in, or engage in transactions involving the securities or their related derivatives. B.E. Products Pty Ltd or its related bodies corporate may also act as advisers or brokers in relation to gold bullion, the shares or other investments. B.E. Products Pty Ltd's related bodies corporate may be entitled to receive or may have received a fee for the provision of such services. The directors and officers of B.E. Products Pty Ltd or its related bodies corporate may hold directorships in any company referred to in the Information. B.E. Products Pty Ltd or its related bodies corporate are under no obligation to disclose or take account of the Information when advising or conducting business with its clients. B.E. Products Pty Ltd and its related bodies corporate may act upon or make use of the information prior to its publication on this website.

Third party information

Any third-party advertising, information and referral buttons containing hyperlinks are not recommendations or endorsements by B.E. Products Pty Ltd or its respective directors, affiliates or employees. The user is referred to the relevant third party for all relevant information, including complete information on that entity's investment adviser or dealer licensing status and licence number (if applicable).

Collection of Personal Information

We may collect personal information which is willingly provided by users while exploring the website. The type of information collected may include your name, contact information, web pages visited, documents accessed and internet address. We do not collect any sensitive personal information without your explicit consent to the collection and use of such information.

Security of Personal Information

We will not sell, rent or share our database of information. We may disclose information to third parties with your consent in order to process your information requests. We keep information and web server logs on controlled facilities that are secured against unauthorised access. Proof of identity is required before information is released to any person.

Acceptance of Terms of Use

By moving on to any other part of this website you agree that you have read, understood and will be bound by the Terms of Use and that you will carefully read the disclaimers and notices appearing at other parts of this website.